
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brotherhood forged in Battle

Twice a month I have the honor of volunteering at  a service organization for military personnel.  Last Saturday night, I was escorting two troops out of the airport who had just returned from Afghanistan. Because of winter storms and FAA rule changes, they had spent three days together trying to get home.  They were leaving PHL to take the last leg of their trips home. One was going south and the other out west.  When we reached the point where they were going to separate terminals--they looked at each other. One said, "I'd like to have one last cigarette with my battle buddy before we separate."

I lingered for just a moment before I realized that I was intruding in a very personal moment.  They exchanged telephone numbers and quietly lit cigarettes. At that point I left.

As a military brat, I have always known that there are relationships, forged in battle, that are more intense and intimate than those many have with their families. In my life my father had such relationships.  From talking to veterans I know that these men may not see each other again, or for that matter, ever use the telephone numbers that they exchange. However, the bond they forged will last forever.

I  respect and I am thankful for the bond that these men and others who fight to protect us have forged.  I am grateful for the how they protect one another. Mostly, I am grateful that I have been honored to witness this relationship.

To one and all of our service men and women--thank you for your service, and God speed.

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