When Mrs. Obama stated that her clandestine shopping trips were a "welcome relief for a family with the weight of the free world on their shoulders," images of Marie Antoinette danced in my head. While my husband and I, two small business people taxed almost out of business, struggle to make ends meet, our first lady takes a break from the luxourious abode provided by us to spend sometime amongst the little people. Hey I am happy when the ends manage to wave at each other, crazy happy when they meet.
I am neither comforted nor impressed when the lady whose husband's policies have increased my interest rates, bank fees and health insurance premiums by over 20% each, while decreasing my real after tax income by much more than 20% tries to prove that she"feels my pain." Apologies to former President Clinton who knew, we knew he was spoofing us when he said it.
Note the man behind her in the picture above. He would have been happy just to have one less person in front of him in the line. He looks like he has worked all day and just wants to get home. Mrs. Obama how much overtime did we pay for the secret service to do the advance work for you and Bo? What did it cost us in police coverage to make sure that your motorcade made it through the streets of DC without a stoplight? And if you really wanted to be like us little people why use a credit card with your name on it? No cash? Funny, most of us little people don't have credit. Thank you for trying to relate. I hope you will have ample time to shop at Target and Petco in Chicago after November 2012.
Oh well, at least it wasn't a trip to Spain with forty or more of her closest friends!
Well said.