
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When you put down, Sarah Palin, you put down me and others!

So another weekend of attacking Sarah Palin for...for being considered by others as a candidate for President. Or maybe it is for being a mom. Or maybe its for owning and using guns or maybe...enough already.

Whether you would like her as presidential candidate or not, media please note how she resembles many women I know. Media please note that when you put her down, you insult all women. Media please note, how irrelevant you are becoming. You are following Mrs. Palin, because she won't grant you status to know her schedule. If I were less of a lady, I would ask "who's your Momma now?"

So here is my news flash, like Mrs Palin:
* I am a business woman with a family
* I use my husbands last name
* I value my rights, as enumerated in the Constitution including my right to carry a gun
* I am intelligent and, at times successful
* I try to live my Christian values
* I don't think that the media should have the right to know or to tell me what I should think, do or consider
* I have helped my husband maintain a small business
* I care about men and women, born and unborn
* I did not abdicate my intelligence by wearing a tiara

Unlike Mrs. Palin, I have not been as consistent over time in living my beliefs. I started living my beliefs much later in my life.

To the Sarah Palins and Michele Bachmanns of the world--thank you for your consistency, your values and your example for young and old women. Thank you for showing that marriage and a family is possible with a successful, public minded career.

To the press, this is how I define feminism--achieving your dreams regardless of your gender without having to be less of a woman, or a democrat.

Run ladies, run!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Doing the Right Thing!

On Thursday, May 19th, I had the privilege of watching the life story of a dear friend. Melissa Ohden is not your average woman. Melissa is the unintended consequence of a late term salient abortion. That's right, for those who don't speak lawyer, she lived.

Her story, "A Voice for Life" (, is so honest and unvarnished that if you make it through without a tear you are a stone. This film is compassionately made by Gunther Meisse II and written by Melissa Ohden and Steve Feazel. We watched it with Melissa, her husband and her beautiful daughter (a second generation miracle).

When I tell people about Melissa, my pro-abortion friends are usually politely awed. My pro-life friends are moved to goose bumps and tears. The reaction that affected me the most was when a retired physician friend asked, "They let her live?"

I had to hear it twice to understand the question. That question proves that Melissa is doubly a miracle, and that Kermit Gosnell (Philadelphia abortion "doctor", indicted for killing children who survived the abortion process and other gruesome acts) is just the worse example of what has been accepted in our society--the death, by neglect, of the accidentally born. Something once advocated by our President on the floor of the Illinois legislature.

Last week we had the opportunity to review our lives. Some seriously considered that Rapture might take place on May 21, 2011. Others hedged their bets by revisiting their faith and beliefs. Others just thought it was all a big joke. Most of us, should be grateful to still be here--to have another chance.

I firmly believe that when the time comes, and we meet our God, we will not just have to answer for what we have done to live a life of faith. I believe we must also answer the question--"what have we done to help others turn from evil?"

Turn from evil--not tolerate evil or justify evil, but turn from it. The nurse who saved Melissa when she heard this tiny child grunting turned from evil. Are you ready to do that? Is our country ready to do that?

Let's thank God for the time to have a do over. Let's make it count for ourselves, our families and our country.