Back in November 1980, when I was a wild-eyed liberal, I remember walking around asking everyone I knew who voted for President Reagan. As I had spent the last 5 years of my life in higher education (oxymoron noted), I could not find anyone. I vowed never to be that unattached to the world again.
Fast forward to 2012, I work in and out of academia, and here I am just as shocked about the outcome of an election. At least I know some of those who voted for...our President. I pray for them. The bottom-line is that I had to recover from my disappointment in the reelection, and my mourning for our traditions and values. I know they have been eroding over time, but now we are on a quick, goose step to the loss of our culture.
So here are the things that have put me on tilt to date:
- The conviction of Professor Amy Bishop for shooting 6 of her peers, killing 3 peers and wounding 3 others, in a gun free zone (University of Alabama faculty meeting) went unnoticed, while we keep talking about the Aurora movie theater and Connecticut. Did anyone notice that we now know what happened to her brother in the "accidental shooting in 1986". No Sandy, guns don't just go off. And, hey, the common denominator of all the mass shooting is "gun free zone." Even Jolting Joe Biden could see this pattern.
- Nidal Malik Hasan who killed 13 soldiers and wounded 32 others continues to be listed as a member of our military. Our own elected officials refuse to classify him as a terrorist or call this a hate crime...oh these shooting happened in a gun free zone.
- The Republican party refuses to control its own image in minority markets and yet reacts to focus groups as if perception is reality. News flash--editors of minority market media are just like those in other markets. If you spend it they will come. Why would any editor in the minority media support a group that does not even consider ad buys in their market? Business is business.
- Dear Republican Party, You can not divorce the social issues from the economic ones. Have you read the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately? Maybe you all should speak with Professor Robert P. George at Princeton. Rushing to deny truth and morality will not strengthen Conservatism.
- Do the high number of suicides amongst our young soldiers coincide with the removal of God from our society? Life is very disappointing and pointless if man is the highest power in your life. Without God and faith, how do you cope with all that you encounter in a combat zone. Oh, at least we did not let them have prayer in school.
- And yes, health insurance cost 40-80% more under Obamacare to date and the program isn't even in full swing. I told you it was designed to kill the employer market. Oh, do you know anyone who has gained coverage under this bill?
So I am back! Loaded for bear and ready to survive the next 3.7 years. Like a convict with a calendar.